Spicy Coconut Noodle Soup

Free Veganuary Meal Plan

Starting Veganuary has never been easier. Sign up for the occasional Exploring Vegan newsletter (no spamming, I promise) to receive your copy of the Veganuary Meal Plan PDF.

Explore the possibilities
of plant-based.

Veganuary is a global campaign that encourages people to take a break from animal-based products in January and explore the benefits of a plant-based diet. At Exploring Vegan, our ethos has always been simple: eating plant-based doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing affair. That’s why we love Veganuary so much. It’s a great opportunity to dip your toes into a meat-free lifestyle.

Whether you go the full thirty days vegan or just one week or even once a week through January, Exploring Vegan is here to support your journey.

Exploring Vegan Recipe Blog Asparagus Illustration
Exploring Vegan Recipe Blog Cucumber Illustration
Exploring Vegan Recipe Blog Broccoli Illustration
Exploring Vegan Recipe Blog Peas Illustration
Exploring Vegan Recipe Blog Asparagus Illustration
Exploring Vegan Recipe Blog Cucumber Illustration
Exploring Vegan Recipe Blog Peas Illustration
Exploring Vegan Recipe Blog Broccoli Illustration
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what's included

The Meal Plan Recipes

The meal plan includes recipes for the dishes you see below, with one day reserved for leftovers. Each meal serves four and the plan includes a grocery list to make your weekly shopping a breeze.